Monday, July 17, 2006

making sashes

making sashes
Originally uploaded by carneblanca.
Here´s a clip from class last week, these gals are embroidering flowers and whatnot onto sashes to wear in the hair, around the waist, etc...We studied the verse in Prov. 31 that says, ¨She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies sashes for the merchants.¨
My dream for these women is to indeed be able to make something to sell to the ´merchants´. I´ve been trying to target projects for them that will spark an interest in them to rise above thier current situation. It would be a huge job and a whole other mission trip (wink) to undertake setting up a program like that, but I¨m at least trying to plant the seeds. These women have potential, they are so precious.
Pray for opportunities for them to LEARN and that they would have the incentive to LEARN!!! I want that so badly for them.....

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