Monday, July 03, 2006

Budding artists in Algodon

Originally uploaded by carneblanca.
This is a very unrealistically silent, calm, sweet glimpse for you all of what my women´s Bible study class in Algodon looks like. Normally it is the sound of thirty women and their children yelling/talking, paint being spilled, Maggie Sopita being called for help, extra supplied being asked for, and a heated discussion here or there. But the real thing that cannot be captured in any photo is the sweetness of the class. I have seen the seemingly bitterest, most contentious woman come back week after week and now give me a smile and a hug every time she sees me. The mix of students are hardly Bible scholars, most of them don´t read, and have all had several children by my age. But they are such beautiful creations of God, each and every one so precious, every one of their tightly braided hairs numbered in His book, each scar on their dark, worn bodies carefully noted by their Loving Father. How deep is the Father´s love for us, it reaches even to the small Hatian village here in the DR, watching over these women. What a priveledge to be allowed to glimpse that!

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