Monday, July 17, 2006


Originally uploaded by carneblanca.
Here are my girls from camp! COTN has a 3 day summer camp every year for all the highschoolers from the bateyes that faithfully attend Bible class all year. It was incredible. What a humbling experience for the interns and I. Think about this: what American highschooler hasn´t been to some kind of camp? Probably not very many. And yet these haitian teenagers had NEVER been to something like this. As I watched them pile into the bus at Algodon, I noted immediately that each one had hoarded their best clothes for this event, all the girls had just gotten their hair braided, each one wanted to look their absolute best for the most exciting event of the year. I felt so honored to be there, to be a part of them, to be priviledged to share in their joy and excitement. I was also blessed to spend time making relationships with the girls in a nonworking environment. Those relationships have carried over and is making my time in the batey just that much sweeter.

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