Monday, July 17, 2006

El Grupo

El Grupo
Originally uploaded by carneblanca.
This is Ellen, she was part of a group that came here to work in the bateys, making gardens, playing baseball, and working with the women. They brought canvas and taught 50 women in Algodon how to construct a bag, and then taught them how to make natural dyes and stamps to decorate the bags. It was incredible, the women were having so much fun and made the cutest bags. Michelle (the intern who works with short-term teams) and I both agreed that we wanted one. They were a huge blessing, not only to the women, but to me also. It was such an encouragement to see someone taking an interest in the women I love so much, and to be able to help them in that. I can´t believe that I get to do this every day.
Thank you, Grupo de Americanos!!!

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