Saturday, March 04, 2006

"Una foto!"

Originally uploaded by carneblanca.
These are my kids! They are so sweet and LOVE to have their picture taken. They yell, "Una foto!" until you comply and then (if you think they don't know about technology just because they don't have running water, you're wrong) mob you to see themselves appear on the back of your digital camera screen. I shudder to think of what would happen to an American who missed the memo and brought an old-fashioned film camera.


Katie :) said...

Hey Maggie!!!
I found you... this is way awesome!!! you are one techno girl... (not robotic or electronic) but ya know "up" on things ;) I will check on you everyday... almost... everyday that I check my e-mail... which is almost everyday... and I will be praying for you just as often... I'm so glad that you are well... there is a hole here without you
:( Oh well... I guess we will survive ;) Praying for you, Katie
Deut 7:9

Amy said...

What adorable technological children! I love them! Is this pic from Los Robles? I think I recognize the girl in the left hand corner. Angelica, right? Anyways I am so excited to see your pictures. Hope you are having a blast! :)
Lots of love,
Aims aka- Perry

Kick back, insert your face into your trusty old reading glasses, and enjoy your stay!