Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Passing on the Blessing

Originally uploaded by carneblanca.
The blessings go on....!!! Years ago I had a "vision" that I would like to teach a homemaking/Proverbs 31 class, but I had quickly pushed that desire aside, mentally grimacing at how inexperienced and immature I was to have such a desire. However, the Lord didn't let that one go! As it turns out, He had already been preparing the way for that desire to be fulfilled.
In a few weeks, after the short term teams leave, I am going to begin teaching a "La Mujer Virtuosa" class to 15 or so women in the Batey of Los Robles. This will consist of a ten week exploration of the 22 verses in Prov 31 that define an virtuous woman and a practical application in homemaking. Things like mending, hospitality, housekeeping, having morning devotions, organization, and more. I am so thankful for the virtuous women in my life, especially my MOM, who have set such an amazing example that I now have the opportunity to share with women who do not have that example to follow. I am so excited to teach this class, not because I feel qualified, but because I know God can do amazing things through the power of His Word and a willing servant.
Thanks for your prayers for these women!

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Kick back, insert your face into your trusty old reading glasses, and enjoy your stay!