Saturday, March 04, 2006

La Sopita

Originally uploaded by carneblanca.
Hey, I didn't know that I would be famous here! Turns out, I'm all over the town and in the grocery stores, too! Maggi is the Dominicans' kind of "season all" spice. It's loaded with MSG and delicious. Everybody uses it, so when I'm being introduced to someone and I say "Me llamo Maggie" they just kind of nod and look confused until I add, "como la sopita!" Then they break into an understanding grin and chuckle, "Maggi, la sopita..." (sopita is the word for this kind of spice) So, it's my new nickname.

1 comment:

philip said...

Hey, I found out that Maggi is owned by Nestle, Interesting. So is accounting class good for something?

Kick back, insert your face into your trusty old reading glasses, and enjoy your stay!