Monday, February 12, 2007

Valentines Day at PCC

I know, you're asking, "Is this a college art class?" I'm as shocked and sorely embarrassed as you are, but yes, this was my homework this week. The instructor said, "Just make a valentine. You can use anything you want, even a dark and sad valentine would be okay. There's no rules." All I have to say is this:
Steer Clear of ART 116, they're crazy!


Amy said...

Is this suppose to represent an ECG?

Maggie said...

If that means that my heart beats faster when I'm around you, then yes. You know I made that for you.

M. said...

What was your grade for this "Valentine?"

Bethany said...

Man, I should have been an art major. A++ for creativity, Mags.

Kick back, insert your face into your trusty old reading glasses, and enjoy your stay!