Monday, February 12, 2007

A boy of many faces....

He does smile, just not for pictures very often. Usually he attacks the camera, yelling, "Beebee, Beebee" (that's how he says Malachi), because someone showed him the magic of digital cameras....He's quite vain. He's sat in front of my computer for 15 minutes before just watching video clips of himself.
He's quite the ham, though. He laughs on cue now, all we have to say is "Malachi, laugh!" and we are rewarded with possibly the cheeziest fake laugh you will ever hear. It is so cute. He loves animals, and knows many of their sounds. He was in the car with me for about half an hour the other day and I had to sing Old McDonald Had a Farm the whole time. Everytime I stopped he would reprimand me with a, "Ac-ggie!!!" It is a good thing he's so cute. I wouldn't have done that for anyone else.
Malachi is enjoying his Sunday brunch.

He's quite an extraordinary child. Green beans are his all time favorite food. He nearly goes bizerk when we pull them out of the fridge. He's been known to eat 3 bowls of them at a time.

1 comment:

M. said...

I really think you would have sang Old McDonald to me too, had I asked you too.

Green beans...reminds me of you and pickles...great...I guess we know there's no hope for normalcy; I guess normalcy isn't in the genes anyway.

Kick back, insert your face into your trusty old reading glasses, and enjoy your stay!