Monday, April 17, 2006

Blessings and a Curses....

yay for classes!
Originally uploaded by carneblanca.
Ah yes, my beloved maquinas. Such an incredible blessing and yet such a curse. I have spent a ridiculous amount of hours servicing them, finding out very quickly that just because something is new, doesn't mean it works!!! And you don't just take things back. (how I miss Costco's return policy) I have come to know those machines very well, and I am sure will continue to increase in my knowledge of mechanics. If only I had spent more time in my dad's hangar....!!! I didn't know I would have to be a mechanic, but I am nevertheless enjoying the hours of frustration, trying eversohard to look as though I know exactly what I am doing to all 10 of the dominicans crowding around whenever I seem to have a problem. Ahh, the life of a sewing teacher in the DR!!!


philip said...

La sopita mechanica de DR?

philip said...

I hope that wasn't an insult...:)

Bethany said...

Maggie, I love that you always post with pictures. Your life in the DR is pretty foreign to me, so visual aids help! I want to come visit you!

Kick back, insert your face into your trusty old reading glasses, and enjoy your stay!