Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Originally uploaded by carneblanca.
Yay, we're translators!!! Sarah and I spent the past week with a team from Silverdale, WA filling out sponsorship updates for all the kids in our three bateyes. These forms included a 7 question survey of the child's life, hopes and dreams for the future, and a letter to their sponsor.
Children in the Dominican Republic speak spanish. Sponsors in the United States speak english.
We got to go with the teams to help translate the questions to the kids and then translate the answers back into english. There were "real" translators along, too, to whom we could go if we got stuck (thankfully!), but it was an incredible experience for Sarah and I! Great spanish training, as well as relationship building with the kids. We had a great time! I had one little boy tell me he wanted to be a killer when he grew up. Shocked, I asked another translator to make sure I was hearing him right. The translator too was shocked, but after some coaxing we realized we'd missed the word "chivo" tacked on the end. He wanted to be a goat killer! We both laughed and I took the liberty to write down "butcher" in the blank.

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