Friday, February 20, 2009

My Mom Knits

Most of you would think that with 10 children in tow, a mom wouldn't have time to be knitting toys for her fifth-born. Especially not ones as cute as this.
But my mom does. Or at least she makes time for it.

Monte's girlfriend made him a knitted monkey a while ago and I loved it so much I begged Mom to make me one. And she did. In a week or less.
That proves it. My mom's as cool as you all thought.

She also has gorgeous children...... (ahem, see below)

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Mollie said...

Awesome! I like how you and your monkey match too... your apartment looks really nice!

Miriam said...

Yeah, Maggie's just cool like that, Mollie. I wish I could look like a monkey.

Anonymous said...

Are you the Kercher girl who sews professionally? I'm trying to find a link the the website of the Kercher girl who does! ;) A friend wants it for her daughter's wedding. Could you post it? Thanks!

Unknown said...

Yes, I am. And the website you're looking for Contact info is on the website, or you can email me at

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I think she's contacting you.

Kick back, insert your face into your trusty old reading glasses, and enjoy your stay!