Monday, January 21, 2008

How does he do it?

Malachi: the comedian. The position of Kercher Comedian is always being competed for--by Mark--by Miriam--even Maggie, at times. But Malachi has long held this title, basically since he started talking.

Malachi: "Maggie, here! Grink some of mine Hot Tea Chocolate."
Maggie: "I can't, Malachi. I'm allergic."
Malachi: "Oh."
Maggie: "Are you allergic?"
Malachi: (indignantly) "NO! I'm a boy."
Maggie and Malachi are playing dolls---
Madalyne: "Oh, are you being babies?"
Malachi: "No, I'm a boy, those are babies, and Maggie is a 'lergic.'"

I guess I should change my gender registration in the State of Oregon from "Female" to "Lergic."

Malachi: the Policeman--

Miriam: "Oh man, I just watched a stupid movie...."
Malachi: "Miriam, don't say dat word! Dat's a bad word 'a say!"

In church the one giving the sermon used the forbidden word....

Preacher: "It is stupid for us to not be seeking the Lord...."
Malachi: (quite loudly) "Ah! Mom! He said a bad word!"

I guess someone told him not to use that kind of language. Recently Mom took all the kids to Bend to see Melody's new baby, leaving Dad and I home alone. Soon after they left I called mom to gloat that I'd be able to say "stupid" as much as I wanted in the next few days. The simple pleasures in life.....

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M. said...

you are like Kate when we told her she could say "ree-roo-rah." She went around the house saying, "ree-roo-rah, ree-roo-rah, ree-roo-rah" just to get it out of her system.

Also, about the "lergic" thing...our friend's daughter said that about the Christmas story once. She was telling the story and "...Mary said, "how can this be since I am allergic?"

Bethany said...

Ack! I love that kid!
Gabe thinks he's a pretty cute little tyke, too. He often quotes "Sanks for the 'pri sun, Bessie," even though he's never actually heard Malachi say it.

Kick back, insert your face into your trusty old reading glasses, and enjoy your stay!