Monday, January 01, 2007

Fun Being 21

Now that I'm 21, the fun begins....on my big day, I opted for a 2lb bottle of....CHOCOLATE. (Thanks Leisel & David!) It was a great day, a bunch of my awesome friends went roller skating with me, a favorite pasttime.
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M. said...

Happy Birsday to you...Happy Birsday to you!!!

M. said...

I hope you don't gain 21 pounds after you've eaten all that chocolate!

Bethany said...

Happy 21st! I'm so sad I had to miss the skating shindig. We'll have to "celebrate" a little more at a later date.:) Be responsible with that chocolate now - just because you're 21 and legal isn't a license to go crazy.

straitlet said...


That bottle doesn't look very christian. Are you hanging out with the el conde crowd? Happy b-day and much love to you. I am so happy that you guys made it to the cuevaz wedding! That is really honoring.


Kick back, insert your face into your trusty old reading glasses, and enjoy your stay!