Thursday, May 18, 2006


The Lord has really answered a prayer of mine concerning the continuation of the classes here. A dear friend of the mission, a woman named Charo is an avid sewer, and has been wanting for years to be involved in the work COTN is doing here. Well, starting this week she is going to be assisting me in my classes, being groomed to continue this work after I leave in August. This is so exciting to me! She, in many ways, is going to be much more of an asset to the women here than I could be. First, she is Dominican! This means that she knows what they like. No matter how much cultural psyching I give myself I still have American eyes and American taste. (which is very different, let me assure you. For example, I’m not crazy about ornate gold and red plasticy bedspreads…) But Charo has the advantage of being of their culture and mindset. Secondly, she speaks their language fluently, and has sewed in the DR all her life. She knows when Dominicans use what, something that I would just have to learn over time. I’m willing to learn those things, but I don’t have a lot of time left.

So, we’re all thinking, “why did we send Maggie to the DR if there was a Dominican woman fully capable of teaching classes in the bateyes?” Yes, I asked myself that same question. The answer can be summed up in two words, “money” and “organization”, neither of which the Dominicans have a lot of. The mission here did not have the money to buy the machines that were purchased, nor was there anyone really with the time, capability, or desire to take the huge task on of organizing something in the land of disorganization! (that is written lovingly, of course!) So, here I am, passing the baton with incredible peace about “my precious project” being carried on by Charo. To be honest, my prayers for someone like Charo held a hint of anxiety, because as I got to know how things work here, I realized that after I leave in August, if I didn’t have a successor there was an almost 100% chance that the machines would sit there, unused, like so many other donations that have lacked a pushstart. Unless I found a way to work my way out of a job here, my six months of work would have been six months of work. Period. Thank the Lord for Charo!

It is interesting to me how when we give our abilities and time to God, it is with an open hand, relinquishing them to whatever He has planned. I didn’t even know the name Charo when I signed up for this job, I had no idea anything that has come to pass would do so. But in everything that has happened I have incredible peace and contentment and continually find joy in not being the director of my life!

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