Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ballet That!

For those of you who have long doubted my graceful coordination----you have a lot to learn. Just because I fell down the front steps of the church I was visiting this summer (darn heels...) doesn't mean my reputation should be crippled. Spending time with Kate brought out the ballerina in me. (Or maybe it was the Twila Paris music selections? Mmm, love that stuff.)

Henry was, of course, included, and selected the pink skirt for his distinctive style. He also spent most of the time eating sugary mints or eating some other type of candy that he managed to find. I think ballet for Henry is more about laughing and wearing skirts. Which is great. :)
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Bethany said...

Such poise. Such grace. Trade in the jeans for some pink tights and you'd be a bona fide prima donna, Mags.

Miriam said...

Maggie........stick to sewing. That's all I have to say.

Kick back, insert your face into your trusty old reading glasses, and enjoy your stay!