Friday, February 20, 2009

My Mom Knits

Most of you would think that with 10 children in tow, a mom wouldn't have time to be knitting toys for her fifth-born. Especially not ones as cute as this.
But my mom does. Or at least she makes time for it.

Monte's girlfriend made him a knitted monkey a while ago and I loved it so much I begged Mom to make me one. And she did. In a week or less.
That proves it. My mom's as cool as you all thought.

She also has gorgeous children...... (ahem, see below)

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Wii Are A Family

We had a great time playing with the Carrolls' newly acquired Wii. The highlight for me was creating the characters. We had quite a bit of material to work with---having such a big family and all.
Here's a few of our favorite characters:

Claire Bear



Big Mark

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Sledding: Snow's Inherent Purpose

I had a different kind of birthday this year. This one was spent bundled in anything woolen I could find, hurtling down an icy, powdery hill that was clearly marked "Sledding Allowed". It was probably the most freezingly ungraceful I've ever been, but exhilarating and fun nonetheless.

How do two sisters like us manage to have the same hat?

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Ballet That!

For those of you who have long doubted my graceful coordination----you have a lot to learn. Just because I fell down the front steps of the church I was visiting this summer (darn heels...) doesn't mean my reputation should be crippled. Spending time with Kate brought out the ballerina in me. (Or maybe it was the Twila Paris music selections? Mmm, love that stuff.)

Henry was, of course, included, and selected the pink skirt for his distinctive style. He also spent most of the time eating sugary mints or eating some other type of candy that he managed to find. I think ballet for Henry is more about laughing and wearing skirts. Which is great. :)
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My Man Jadon

I have to admit that one of my greatest joys in life is that my nephew Jadon lives within my neighborhood. I never knew that being a full-time aunt was so wonderful. I am thrilled that God has blessed Melody and I to live near to each other for the time being, and I look forward to living near ALL of my nephews and neices at some point in my life.

On this particular day, Jadon had come over to make quesadillas and cookies with Aunt Mags.

He thinks I'm a "good cooker."

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Kick back, insert your face into your trusty old reading glasses, and enjoy your stay!