Portland, Oregon + Snow = Odd
Portland, Oregon + "You're snowed in!" = Shocking, unbelievable, maybe scandalous
We got at least a foot.
Portland, Oregon + "You're snowed in!" = Shocking, unbelievable, maybe scandalous
We got at least a foot.
Kick back, insert your face into your trusty old reading glasses, and enjoy your stay!
Apparently, anything can be spelled with just T-O-P. Ahh, homeschooling..... I wish I had learned that years ago.
It's all about the details and sound effects.
Note: The only reason my face is peering around the corner is because he would only be cute for the camera if the screen was facing him (so he could see himself). Consequently, I spent the whole time trying to make sure he was in the frame and I was not.
Kick back, insert your face into your trusty old reading glasses, and enjoy your stay!