Friday, June 20, 2008

The Site, at Long Last

My new website is finally up! Enjoy.

A Tribute to Great-Grandma

My new business name. I opted to take my Great-Grandma Verna Bogart's name in honor of the legacy she left me. Years ago Grandma Kathy gave me a box of Grandma Verna's old sewing stuff and I've loved musing through the patterns and lesson plans and things she had used in her sewing/design days. Dad has often remarked that I must "get it from her", and I thought it would be appropriate to include her name in my endeavors.

Thanks Grandma.

A new place to call home....

Three weeks at my new address and I'm loving it. My days are full---mostly of sewing. I'm working full-time (plus some) at David's Bridal, while feeling out the outlets for my own personal sewing. I'm still learning the ins and outs of the non-Hubbardish land, and soon hope to launch some Maggie Bogart madness!

It's been great fun outfitting my new sewing room. Starting from scratch is a treat, and the organizing and sorting has kept me up til the wee hours many a night, as well as "forcing" me to frequent little second-hand shops, craigslist and ikea to hunt down unique treasures. I'm in love with the result.

I've also put my hand to gardening a bit. (not anywhere near mom's fabulous example, sadly) The tomato crisis these days upped my plot to three tomato plants, as well as some herbs and, of course, beloved jalapenos. I've also become quite obsessive about houseplants.

Photos to follow.

Kick back, insert your face into your trusty old reading glasses, and enjoy your stay!