Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Family Vacay - Yaquina Bay

Camden and Claire

I was so fortunate to shirk life for two days last week and visit with Mollie, Aram and the girls. Camden is becoming such a little girl: not a baby anymore! She talks and talks and Claire smiles and smiles.
Claire looks identical to baby pictures of both Mollie and myself.

I think Claire is the smiley-est baby I've ever met.

Camden still hasn't gotten the whole "Aunt" thing down yet. Mollie and I were trying to teach her to say Aunt Maggie (she just calls me Maggie) and she finally said it, then turned around, looked a Mollie and said, "Aunt Mommy!" :)

The Salsa Bug...

You might call it a summer of salsa. After over 100 quarts of the spicy delight, we're thoroughly stocked for the coming winter and thoroughly done chopping!

Kick back, insert your face into your trusty old reading glasses, and enjoy your stay!