Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Need Mowing Lessons? Call Monte @ .....

For anyone who doesn't homeschool, this is what it looks like: We call it the Hands On approach.

Gimme a Kiss!

Apparently Malachi has discovered the art of "germ-free kissing", something that is very popular in my family. (Please don't take that seriously!)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Bible Study Baking

Ever wonder what goes on during our Girls' Bible Study?
While Hannah chops-and eats - apples (notice she's wearing two aprons), Miriam peels the tasty fruits and rips apart tortillas for the casserole.
Jenni is expertly smoothing some liquid gouache (just kidding, that is watercolor paint, but it sounds like a food substance) in cassarole pan and Kaila is chopping chicken.
I'm the supervisor, of course.
We don't actually cook most of the time, we usually stew over God's Word, but a few weeks ago we "baked our cherry pies" as a ministry to a friend in need.

Cuddly in a Combover?

You're about to witness the only combover you're ever been able to stomach...

Note: If you have a combover, please do not take offence--there are only so many perfect heads in the world, the rest are covered with hair!

And there you have it! Just like magic? We think so.

I Love Legs!

I promise I didn't Photoshop this picture, my eyes really do that! I can barely type this post for laughing, I should be embarrassed of this horrendous photo. If anyone wants to do an oil painting (i.e. Crazed Girl Eats Leg) just let me know and I'll acquit my rights.
Note from the Author: If I ever invite you over for dinner......ACCEPT!

All Work and No Play Makes Maggie A Dull Gal....

Malachi is lucky to have such willing playmates. Of course, who wouldn't want to play with a chubby baby wearing potato head glasses?
Would you say no?

Kick back, insert your face into your trusty old reading glasses, and enjoy your stay!