Malachi is learning to talk now. He runs around the house shouting, "Ada-lada-lada-lyne" which, being translated, means "Madalyne". He is her shadow. He also finds many adorable ways of getting his own way, whether it is grinning from ear to ear when we mention something he would like to have, or crying and saying, "uppa?".

We often remark on how boring our lives might be without Malachi. He's a very observant little guy, when the smoke alarm goes off in the kitchen (that has nothing to do with my cooking, let me assure you....
) Malachi will drop what he is doing, grab a magazine and run into the kitchen fanning it in the direction of the smoke. What a helper!
He is wearing Mom's socks here...
But this is his favorite pasttime....anything "dayee" does, Malachi does. All of Dad's favorite foods are called "dayee" and are also Malachi's favorite. It doesn't matter that his legs don't reach the footrest, he MUST have it up if daddy does.